Current teaching at Wageningen University
Inge de Graaf currently teaches in three courses within the MSc Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University. She teaches and coordinates 'Climate Change Adaptation in Water Management'. She teaches within the course 'Climate Change Studies Topics and Approaches' - guiding academic skills in writing- and 'Modelling Future Water Stress' - classes and tutorial on Large-scale water resources assessments, modelling and data analysis. Inge also supervises MSc students in their thesis and internship research and various topics ranging from groundwater modelling to drought impact assessments. Her Internship students are based at various places for example, Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares, Arcadis, Witteveen&Bos, HKV and waterboards.
Previous teaching at Freiburg University
Inge de Graaf previously taught several courses within the MSc Environmental Sciences and BSc and MSc Hydrology at Freiburg University. She designed and taught the MSc course 'large-scale datasets and modeling' -a new course on working with large-scale (hydrological)models and datan sets, MSc course 'Water-Irrigation Nexus'- sessions on groundwater use and impacts, MSc course 'Global Environmental Change'- sessions on global change and water resources, BSc course 'Scientific Skills: Soil, Water, Atmosphere' -sessions on critical reading and scientific writing.
ongoing MSc research
MSc Thesis Gina ter Haar "Evaluating the Adoption of Integrated Collabiratuve Governance for Incorporating Biological WFD Targets in River Restoration Projects by Waterboards in the Netherlands"
MSc Thesis Diderick Lissenberg "Localized Effects of Brackish Water Extraction in Seepage polders of Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands"
Finished MSc research
MSc thesis Haochen Yuan "Development and application of a transient coupled groundwater model for the Indus Basin"
MSc thesis Miranda Xiao "Study of the reliability of the simulated groundwater recharge at the global scale"
MSc Thesis Wahdan Syaehuddin "Forecasting Hydrological Drought in Europe Using Precipitation Data by Considering Drought Propagation and Different Accumulation Periods"
MSc Thesis Thijs de Bruijn "The Impact of Climate Change on the Water Availability of the IJsselmeer"
MSc Thesis Tanvir Ahmed "A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Detereminants of Manifest Conflicts in High Water Stressed and Drought Prone Transboundary Aquifers"
Internship research
Testcase AMIGO Green-Ampt prototype in de Hupsel (Quint van Gierbergen, Arcadis)
Effectiviteit van stuwen op het groundwate (Marije Colijn, Tauw)
Groundwater induced soil subsidence around the Dutch HWN (Tijmen Koenen, Rijkswaterstaat)
Kansen voor het waarderen van water (Floor van der Meer, Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe)
Aquafarm als Nazuiveringstechniek (Emma Smits at Aquafarm)